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With our scientific approach, we will identify your strengths so that you can leverage them for superior performance.


Help you implement processes and tools to effectively engage your team for maximum business ROI.




Provide Long Term accountability to help you pivot and re-evaluate until good habits are formed, and you are achieving your business goals with ease.



With our business advisory services and proven 3-part system, we help executive leaders design, scale, and unleash high-performing teams so you can stop wasting time, energy and resources, and instead leverage your strengths for maximum business ROI!


Work With Us









Identify strengths so that you can leverage them for superior performance. 

At StrengthPoint Advisors, we know you want to attract and develop top talent. Our assessments help you build a bridge to connect and understand the people who sit on the other side of the desk. We will help you uncover the HOW, WHAT and WHY of human interaction by measuring behavior, motivators/driving forces, emotional intelligence (EQ), acumen and skills to quantitatively reveal the whole person. ​
Why assessments? In one word – objectivity.  You and your team members are dynamic creatures impacted by environment, conditioning, bias, health practices, sleep quality, etc.
Assessments give individuals a common language to describe why they like to do certain tasks over others, why they are better at some tasks and why some tasks give them more energy while others deplete energy. 


When a team has a common language (playbook) to describe their behaviors and what motivates them, it allows that team to better understand each other, appreciate the differences and play to each other’s strengths.  At StrengthPoint Advisors, our thorough assessments span the full employee life cycle with a company.  




During the hiring process to align talent with job requirements. 
To improve communication between individuals, teams and with clients. 
To develop leadership competencies or to help an employee decide a new career path. 
To understand the best sales strategies to enhance connection and rapport with new prospective clients.

Do you have a common language to describe the StrengthPoints of your team?

Business Advisory Service





Business advisory  services

Help you hit your deliverable targets and growth goals. 

As your company grows, so does your talent, strategy and operational needs. Successful companies need to be proactive and continuously plan for talent and the complexity that arises as the team expands. This includes creative structures, cultural “vibes”, operating and communication principles as well as attracting different types of talent. Aligning all these factors allows you to maintain a people AND profit focus.
While your business is unique, your problems are not. Research has proven that certain challenges accompany specific stages of growth.  
Focusing on the right challenges at the right time allows you to be intentional and gain a return on investment for your time, energy and resources. At StrengthPoint Advisors, we bring that strategic and competitive viewpoint.  We provide customized solutions for our clients across the spectrum whether it’s strategy, culture, innovation, process, hiring, conflict, team building or any other business need.


Our proven process begins with gaining perspective on where you are today, what you have learned and where you want to go over the next 1, 3 and 5 years.  

Together, we will help you develop a road map defining future state, outlining an implementation plan to move from current to future organizational and operational state and a strategy to grow talent from within and recruit from external sources. We bring you to a place where your organizational design and operational principles match your strategic intentions so that everyone on your team will be primed to execute and deliver them.


Innovation and transformation are necessary for growth – and ultimately keeping your company relevant.  Do you have a comprehensive plan that not only maps out the process from creation to implementation, but also includes a strategy for bringing people along during the process?

Performance Acceleration





Performance acceleration

Overcome growth hurdles and increase your bottom line. 

At StrengthPoint, we help you generate business wins powered by people wins!

As an existing leader, you often find yourself needing to “skill up” as you grow an organization. You know that your strong performers become disengaged when they are not challenged or developed for growth, so you work hard to always stay a step ahead. Through our customized coaching and leadership training, we help people bridge the gap from where they are now and where they want to go as a leader, business owner or team.  We set the stage for lifelong leadership and team effectiveness and provide strategies and techniques to transform people into effective, growth-focused and influential leaders and teams. 
At StrengthPoint Advisors, we understand that performance acceleration happens at two levels: individual and team.  The problem is that talented players don’t automatically become talented teams, which makes you feel like at the end of the day, it’s all on you to deliver. 


We drive performance acceleration by leveraging the strengths of the individual and the team while creating a culture of accountability.  We serve as feedback coaches, content coaches, building on specific skills, and accountability partners, guiding the individuals and team through the process. All focused on transforming your culture for optimal results.
Because the sustainability of development and performance depend on consistency, we help you implement structure and processes for development and succession planning. This includes clarity around expectations, feedback loops mastermind groups, and accountability rhythms. Leadership is trained and coached on how to implement these practices for best performance results.

Are you translating your human capital potential into measurable contributions to your bottom line? 







Have fun. 
Get Shit done. 

Your growing company needs professionalized “people practices” in order to scale. If you want to increase accuracy, effectiveness and employee engagement, then efficient selection, training and development systems are imperative. In today’s dynamic, fast-paced environment, these systems need to be continually evaluated to ensure they are maintaining alignment to your people and business needs.
At StrengthPoint Advisors, we are continually mining the landscape to create innovative solutions that will improve team and organizational performance.  We get “on the court with you” to help you and your teams apply and practice growth, goal alignment, development and communication strategies in real life work situations and to develop processes and systems to support the sustainability of these strategies.  
We show you, teach you and empower you to drive your organization forward.
Do you know what is holding your organization back from achieving optimal organizational performance?

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